MCQ on Basic Computer Knowledge

Computer Science Engineering

MCQ on Basic Computer Knowledge

1-BIOS is stored in



(C) Hard Disk

(D) Cache Memory


2-Every computer system has three different types of buses to carry information from one part to other, namely

(A) Data bus, control bus and Instruction bus

(B) Address bus, Data bus and peripheral bus

(C) Data bus, Instruction bus and control bus

(D) Address bus, Data bus and control bus


3-Which Memory chip is programmed during the manufacturing process?

(A) Flash Memory





4-Bridges operate in ___ layer.

(A) Transport layer

(B) Session layer

(C) Data link layer

(D) Application


5-The host in the internet is identified by

(A) Search Engine

(B) Browser

(C) IP address

(D) Hub


6-MICR means

(A) Magnetic Input Character Recognition

(B) Magnetic Ink Character Recognition

(C) Magnetic Input Character Reader

(D) Magnetic Ink Character Reference


7-OCR means

(A) Output Character Recognition

(B) Optimized Character Recognition

(C) Optical Character Recognition

(D) Optical Character Reading


8-When you send an e-mail message, it is stored on a ___ until the recipient can retrieve it?

(A) server

(B) mail box

(C) backbone

(D) protocol


9-The first mechanical computer designed by Charles Babbage was called

(A) Abacus

(B) Analytical Engine

(C) Calculator

(D) Processor


10-In a work sheet, a ___ is the intersection of a row and a column.

(A) frame

(B) cell

(C) ruler

(D) formula bar



1-(B), 2-(D), 3-(B), 4-(C), 5-(C), 6-(B), 7-(C), 8-(A), 9-(B), 10-(B)