MCQ on Sociology
1-Who has articulated the modern Theory of Global System ?
(a) Giddens
(b) Ritzer
(c) Robertson
(d) Wallerstein
2-Who said “a person’s ‘class situation’ is basically is his market situation” ?
(a) K. Marx
(b) Max Weber
(c) C. W. Mills
(d) J. Bernard
3-Biological Theory of Population is associated with
(a) Spencer
(b) Malthus
(c) Dumont
(d) Davis
4-“Revitalization movement Theory” is associated with
(a) Wallace
(b) Stauffer
(c) Smelser
(d) Hunt
5-Which of the following is not an example of Institution ?
(a) Marriage
(b) Homogeneous group
(c) Family
(d) Kinship
6-Who has coined the term of ‘Atom of kinship’ ?
(a) Radcliffe brown
(b) Murdock
(c) Levi-Strauss
(d) Krober
7-Who has stated “Family is a universal institution” ?
(a) G. P. Murdock
(b) A. R. Radcliffe Brown
(c) I. P. Desai
(d) M. N. Srinivas
8-Yellow revolution is associated with
(a) Petroleum production
(b) Milk production
(c) Oilseed production
(d) Industrial production
9-Who is the author of the book “Deschooling Society” ?
(a) Ivan Illich
(b) L. Althusser
(c) F. D. Young
(d) D. Lawton
10-When, as a research method, R. R. A. (Rapid Rural Appraisal) was developed ?
(a) 1950’s
(b) 1960’s
(c) 1970’s
(d) 1990’s
11-Find out median from the following data :
5, 7, 9, 12, 10, 8, 7, 15, 21
(a) 7
(b) 8
(c) 9
(d) 10
12-Who is the author of the book, ‘methods in Social Research’ ?
(a) W. J. Goode and P.F. Hatt
(b) P.V. Young
(c) F. Lundberg
(d) C.A. Moser
13-In Kinship Chart, ‘Δ’ symbol refers to
(a) Female
(b) Male
(c) Married to
(d) None of these
14-Urbanism is a ‘Way of life’ where as ‘urbanization is a process’. This distinction was made by whom ?
(a) Louis Wirth
(b) Robert Park
(c) G. Simmel
(d) Max Weber
15-Who said, “Science begins with observation and must ultimately return to observation for its final validation” ?
(a) Young and Seltiz
(b) Bogardus
(c) Goode and Hatt
(d) Nels Anderson
16-Which one is a secondary source of data ?
(a) Interview Schedule
(b) Questionnaire
(c) Observation
(d) Government Report
17-What will be the mean of following ?
5, 15, 20, 10, 50
(a) 50
(b) 100
(c) 20
(d) 25
18-Which one is considered as link between facts and theory ?
(a) Book
(b) Hypothesis
(c) Data
(d) Journals
19-The concept of ‘Anticipatory Socialization’ has been developed by
(a) R. K. Merton
(b) K. Marx
(c) P.A. Sorokin
(d) M. Weber
20-Who is not associated with Functional Theory ?
(a) B. Malinowski
(b) H. Spencer
(c) P.V. Young
(d) A. R. Brown
21-Who wrote the book “Studies in Ethnomethodology” ?
(a) H. Garfinkel
(b) F. Abraham
(c) J. Alexander
(d) M. Weber
22-Who has considered that “reason is the ultimate language of madness” ?
(a) J. Derrida
(b) J. Alexender
(c) M. Foucault
(d) C.W. Mills
23-Who has propounded his theory in terms of “Economic Determinism” ?
(a) P. A. Sorokin
(b) Karl Marx
(c) V. Pareto
(d) W.F. Ogburn
24-Whose name is associated with ‘Class Conflict’ ?
(a) Comte
(b) Marx
(c) Weber
(d) Parsons
25-Who has discussed ‘Mechanical and organic solidarity’ ?
(a) E. Durkheim
(b) Karl Marx
(c) T. Parsons
(d) M. Weber
26-Who has stated that Sociology is the study of “Social Facts” ?
(a) E. S. Bogardus
(b) M. Weber
(c) E. Durkheim
(d) Karl Marx
27-Which one of the following classifications was used by Emile Durkheim in his study of religion ?
(a) Holy and Unholy
(b) Ritualistic and Radical
(c) Supernatural and Secular
(d) Sacred and Profane
28-Which of the following is not the type of ‘Social Action’ according to Max Weber ?
(a) Inter Action
(b) Rational Action
(c) Affectual Action
(d) Traditional Action
29-How many types of social Acton has been described by Max Weber ?
(a) 4
(b) 6
(c) 8
(d) 10
30-Who has classified the “Authority” into “Legal”, “Traditional” and “Charismatic” authority ?
(a) P.A. Sorokin
(b) V. Pareto
(c) M. Weber
(d) K. Marx
1-(d), 2-(b), 3-(a), 4-(a), 5-(b), 6-(c), 7-(a), 8-(c), 9-(a), 10-(c), 11-(d), 12-(a), 13-(b), 14-(a), 15-(c), 16-(d), 17-(c), 18-(b), 19-(a), 20-(c), 21-(a), 22-(c), 23-(b), 24-(b), 25-(a), 26-(c), 27-(d), 28-(a), 29-(a), 30-(c)