MCQ Questions on Thermodynamics

MCQ on Thermodynamics

MCQ Questions on Thermodynamics

1- In an irreversible process, there is a

(A) loss of heat

(B) no loss of heat

(C) gain of heat

(D) no gain of heat


2- Which of the following is an intensive property of a thermodynamic system?

(A) Volume

(B) Temperature

(C) Mass

(D) Energy


3- An isentropic process is always

(A) irreversible and adiabatic

(B) reversible and isothermal

(C) frictionless and irreversible

(D) reversible and adiabatic


4- Work done in a free expansion process is

(A) zero

(B) minimum

(C) maximum

(D) positive


5- In a Carnot engine, when the working substance gives heat to the sink

(A) the temperature of the sink increases

(B) the temperature of the sink remains the same

(C) the temperature of the source decreases

(D) the temperatures of both the sink and the source decrease


6- Kelvin-Planck’s law deals with

(A) conservation of energy

(B) conservation of work into heat

(C) conservation of mass

(D) conversion of heat into work


7- The efficiency of the Carnot cycle may be increased by

(A) increasing the highest temperature

(B) decreasing the highest temperature

(C) increasing the lowest temperature

(D) decreasing the lowest temperature


8- The air standard Otto cycle comprises

(A) two constant pressure processes and two constant volume processes

(B) two constant pressure and two constant entropy processes

(C) two constant volume processes and two constant entropy processes

(D) none of the above


9- Thermal efficiency of closed cycle gas turbine plant increases by

(A) reheating

(B) inter-cooling

(C) regenerator

(D) all of the above


10- The unit of temperature in the S.I. unit is

(A) Centigrade

(B) Celsius

(C) Fahrenheit

(D) Kelvin



1-(A), 2-(B), 3-(D), 4-(A), 5-(B), 6-(D), 7-(D), 8-(B), 9-(B), 10-(D)