Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers on Commerce – Set 2

Management Studies

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers on Commerce – Set 2


1-Ethics may be defined as:

(A) A code of conduct

(B) A code of material

(C) A code of manager

(D) None of the above

(Ans: A)


2-Need Hierarchy theory of motivation is propounded by:

(A) Maslow

(B) Mc Gregor

(C) Herzberg

(D) None of the above

(Ans: A)


3-The leadership style which is based on consultations with his group is called:

(A) Autocratic style

(B) Democratic style

(C) Paternalistic style

(D) None of the above

(Ans: B)


4-When a leader does not interfere with the working of his group, the leadership style is known as:

(A) Free rein style

(B) Participative style

(C) Authoritarian style

(D) None of the above

(Ans: A)


5-Principle of ‘Span of Control’ is concerned with:

(A) Class of employees to be controlled

(B) Number of employees to be controlled

(C) Managerial level of employees

(D) None of these

(Ans: B)


6-Liquidity ratios are used:

(A) to assess the financial position of the firm at a point of time

(B) to evaluate the performance of the firm over a period of time

(C) to judge a firm’s ability to meet short term obligations

(D) to assess the present and expected earnings of the firm

(Ans: C)


7-In case of an unregistered firm a partner cannot:

(A) get a share in profit

(B) get interest on his capital

(C) file a suit against another partner

(D) get interest on loan

(Ans: C)


8-Revenue is generally recognised as being earned at the point of time, when:

(A) Sale is affected

(B) Production is complete

(C) Cash is received

(D) In financial year

(Ans: C)


9-Liability of partners for firm’s debt is:

(A) Joint

(B) Separate

(C) Joint and separate

(D) None of the above

(Ans: C)


10-The convention of conservatism implies that:

(A) expected future losses must be provided for

(B) revenue must not be recognised unless it is accrued

(C) both of the above

(D) none of these

(Ans: A)


11-Going concern assumption of accounting is also known as:

(A) continuity assumption

(B) monetary unit assumption

(C) accounting period assumption

(D) none of the above

(Ans: A)


12-The accounting convention of matching means:

(A) Profit for the sales to be matched with the sales revenue

(B) Profit for the period to be matched with the investment

(C) Expenses of a period to be matched with the revenue of the same period

(D) Partners must get equal share in profit

(Ans: C)