Multiple Choice Questions on Health and Wellness

General Studies MCQ on General Science

Multiple Choice Questions on Health and Wellness

1- The area where the interchange of gases takes place in the lungs         

A:- Vestibule         

B:- Infundibulum         

C:- Capillary network of alveoli         

D:- Terminal bronchioles         


2- The mineral salt that is essential for coagulation of blood         

A:- Sodium         

B:- Potassium         

C:- Phosphorus         

D:- Calcium         


3- Heavy metals like arsenic and mercury are excreted through which organ         

A:- Lungs         

B:- Intestine         

C:- Skin         

D:- Bile         


4- Who developed the vaccine for Rabies?         

A:- Joseph Lister         

B:- Robert Koch         

C:- Edward Jenner         

D:- Louis Pasteur         


5- Which method does not belong to sterilization below 100 degrees Celsius?         

A:- Holder’s method of pasteurisation         

B:- Flash method of pasteurisation         

C:- Tyndallisation         

D:- Inspissation         


6- ABC in emergency care – B stands for         

A:- Bleeding         

B:- Brain death         

C:- Breathing         

D:- Blood pressure         


7- The primary way air enters and leaves the respiratory system         

A:- Mouth         

B:- Nose         

C:- Larynx         

D:- Pharynx         


8- Condition in which the lungs do not get a sufficient supply of air for breathing         

A:- Choking         

B:- Hiccups         

C:- Asphyxia         

D:- Winding         


9- Sudden involuntary and painful contraction of a muscle or group of muscles is called         

A:- Strain         

B:- Cramp         

C:- Sprain         

D:- Dislocation         


10- In this type of wound, the soft tissues beneath the skin are damaged but the skin is not broken         

A:- Incised wound         

B:- Punctured wound         

C:- Bruises         

D:- Abrasion         


11- Paleness of skin and mucous membranes either as a result of diminished circulating red blood cells or diminished blood supply is called         

A:- Ulcer         

B:- Swelling         

C:- Pallor         

D:- Rashes         



1-(C), 2-(D), 3-(C), 4-(D), 5-(C), 6-(C), 7-(B), 8-(C), 9-(B), 10-(C), 11-(C)