
Statistics MCQ Questions with Answers

23- The discrepancies between sample estimate and population parameter is termed as:

(A) Human error

(B) Formula error

(C) Non-sampling error

(D) Sampling error


24- Double sampling is also known as:

(A) Two phase sampling

(B) Two directional sampling

(C) Two way sampling

(D) None of the above


25- Which of the following statement is correct?

(A) A systematic sample is a simple random sample of one cluster unit from a population of k cluster units.

(B) A strata is a simple random sample of one cluster unit from a population of k cluster units.

(C) A systematic sample is a simple random sample of one cluster unit from a population of k stratified units.

(D) A strata is a simple random sample of one cluster unit from a population of k-1 cluster units.


26- The errors due to defective schedule or questionnaires known as:

(A) Human error

(B) Formula error

(C) Sampling error

(D) Non-sampling error


27- Who suggested a solution for obtaining unbiased estimates in mail surveys in the presence of non-response?

(A) Hansen and Hurwitz

(B) Yates and Grandey

(C) Politz-Simmons

(D) Warner


28- In sampling with probability proportional to size, the units are selected with probability in proportion to:

(A) the size of unit

(B) the size of the sample

(C) the size of the population

(D) the size of the stratum


29- If an investigator selects districts from a state, Panchayat samities from districts and farmers from Panchayat samities, then such a sampling procedure is known as:

(A) Two stage sampling

(B) Three stage sampling

(C) Cluster sampling

(D) Stratified sampling


30- Which sampling design is most appropriate for cluster sampling?



(C) Stratified Random Sampling

(D) Quota sampling


31- Which of the following statement is not correct?

(A) An Operations research model should be simple and coherent

(B) An Operations research model should not take much time in its construction for any problem

(C) An Operations research model validity cannot be verified by carrying experiment and relevant data characteristics

(D) An Operations research model should be open to parametric type of treatment


32- Which of the following statement is correct?

(A) Revised simplex method is applicable to only those linear programming problems which involve artificial variables

(B) Revised simplex method is more convenient when linear programming problem is solved manually but is not very convenient when computer is used

(C) Revised simplex method is not very convenient when a linear programming problem is solved manually but is more convenient on a computer

(D) Revised simplex method is not convenient for the computation of large size linear programming problems


33- In sensitivity analysis the coefficient of the non-basic variable in cost minimization linear programming problem, the upper sensitivity limit is

(A) Original value + Lowest positive value of improvement ratio

(B) Original value – Lowest positive value of improvement ratio

(C) Positive infinity

(D) Negative infinity



23-(D), 24-(A), 25-(A), 26-(D), 27-(A), 28-(A), 29-(B), 30-(B), 31-(C), 32-(C), 33-(C)